3. Upgrade to new versions of Liferay

Liferay provides default upgrade scripts to make it easier to upgrade to new versions of Liferay.

3.1. Run the upgrade scripts

  1. Go to the ext/sql directory and run ant build-db. This wil automataically upgrade your database.

    Note: If you have modified Liferay's default tables, you may need to customize the upgrade script according to your implementation. Upgrade scripts are located in the ext/sql/update-* folders.

3.2. Regenerate classes

If you auto-generated classes using service.xml, you will need to paste in the new version of the DTD and generate your classes again.

3.3. Upgrading Themes from 3.6.1 to 4.0.0

See Chapter 4: Theme Building for instructions on upgrading your theme from 3.6.1 to 4.0.0.