4. Summary

Let’s review what we’ve just covered. Implementing permission into your custom portlet consists of four main steps. First step is to define any custom resources and actions. Next step is to implement code to register (or add) any newly created resources such as a BlogsEntry object. The third step is to provide an interface for the user to configure permission. Lastly, implement code to check permission before returning resources or showing custom features. Two major resources are portlets and Java objects. There is not a lot that needs to be done for the portlet resource to implement the permission system since Liferay Portal has a lot of that work done for you. You mainly focus your efforts on any custom Java objects you’ve built. You’re now well on your way to implement security to your custom Liferay portlets! For other user guides, please visit the Liferay Developer Zone at: http://www.liferay.com/web/guest/devzone