Note: This document refers to an old version of Liferay Portal (4.0). If you are using a newer version be sure to check the documentation page in Liferay's website for updated information

Liferay Portal 4.0 - Quick Start Guide

Joseph Shum

Alexander Chow

Release Candidate 1

Table of Contents

I. Users
1. Getting Started
2. Using The Portal
1. Adding Portlets
2. User Administration
3. Changing the Theme
4. Using the Content Management System
3. Configuring The Portal
II. Developers
4. Tutorials
1. Setting up the Development Environment
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Recommended Requirements
1.2. Installation
1.2.1. Setting Up Your Development Environment
1.2.2. Obtaining Liferay Portal’s Source Code
1.2.3. Installing Your IDE – Eclipse
1.2.4. Creating an Extension Environment
1.2.5. Adding Plugin Support
1.2.6. Hooking Up To a Database
1.2.7. Starting Liferay
2. Developing Portlets
2.1. Writing a Simple JSPPortlet